Mental Health Support

Henry Ford Behavioral Health Services
Henry Ford Behavioral Health Services is one of the nation's leading providers of comprehensive mental health and substance abuse treatment services.
Website: Behavioral Heath
Common Ground
Common Ground provides a lifeline for individuals and families who are in crisis, victims of crime, persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with critical situations and runaway and homeless youths. You will find crisis response resources, support groups, shelters, classes, and much more on their website or by calling the number below.
Phone: 1-800-231-1127 (speak with someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Website: Common Ground
Community mental health
The Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration website is located within the Michigan department of Community Health and administers Medicaid waivers for people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, serious emotional disturbance and substance disorders.
Website: Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration
Free Rehab Centers
Find Free Michigan treatment resources here.
Phone: 1-866-972-0589 to speak with an alcohol or drug counselor
Website: Free Rehab Centers
Locate a mental health worker
Find a Michigan Mental Health worker close to you.
Website: Michigan Mental Health Networker
Macomb County Community Action
This website offers an array of resources geared toward persons of all ages who live in Macomb County Michigan.
Website: Macomb County Community Action
Oakland County Resources
This website offers an array of resources geared toward persons of all ages who live in Oakland County Michigan.
Website: Oakland County Resources
Wayne County Parent/Children Resources
This website offers an array of resources geared toward parents and children who live in Wayne County Michigan.
Website: Wayne County Parent/Children Resources
Wayne County Senior Resources
This website offers an array of resources geared toward seniors who live in Wayne County Michigan.
Website: Wayne County Senior Resources