Beating Isolation and Finding Purpose

Suzanne Rothe found purpose and connections with others through Creative Mindfulness with Art.
Suzanne Rothe began attending Creative Mindfulness with Art online during the pandemic. She struggled with isolation, a common challenge for many caregivers. “At first it was another way to connect with people when I felt isolated and wasn’t able to do things and go places,” she explained. But since then, she’s continued to attend for the many benefits she’s discovered.
“It’s been a great stress release. I’ve always loved art and creating things, but thanks to Kelly (Darke, ATR-BC, M.Ed., BFA, registered art therapist, C.A.R.E. Program), there is more to the sessions than the artwork. We think about what we’re doing, about the process, and it touches me on a deeper level. I learned that you can own feelings like isolation and stress, but you don’t have to keep them. You can move past them.”
While Suzanne also paints outside of class, when she attends Creative Mindfulness with Art she sees art from a different perspective: “People share why they chose to create their art in a certain way. I’ve learned things from everyone in the class, and the experience has been an exploration in self-care.”
For those who aren’t creative, Suzanne says it’s not about the technical aspects of art. “There is no right or wrong. Every person perceives things differently and it comes out in their art. It’s a safe place – I’ve never heard anyone make a negative comment. It’s a way to connect with people and find purpose.”
Learn more and register for a C.A.R.E. Program class.