Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences

The collaboration between Henry Ford Health and Michigan State University Health Sciences serves as a powerful catalyst for transformative change, revolutionizing healthcare innovation and delivery.

Together, we are reimagining healthcare, enhancing health and wellness, and addressing health disparities that affect vulnerable communities.

Our partnership aims to redefine standards of care for individuals and communities across Michigan and nationwide. Through collaborative research, advanced medical education, and cutting-edge healthcare initiatives, we strive to combat health disparities and improve overall well-being.


Our partnership aims to redefine standards of care for individuals and communities across Michigan and nationwide. Through collaborative research, advanced medical education, and cutting-edge healthcare initiatives, we strive to combat health disparities and improve overall well-being. Driven by passion, curiosity, and perseverance, we are committed to making a meaningful impact on healthcare.

Key Initiatives

Collaborative research endeavors: We engage in joint research projects that push the boundaries of medical science. Our collaborative efforts focus on developing innovative treatments and technologies that can be translated into real-world applications, improving patient outcomes, and advancing healthcare delivery.

Biomedical research center: Our partnership includes the establishment of a state-of-the-art cancer center dedicated to providing comprehensive care, conducting groundbreaking research, and offering advanced treatments. This center aims to be a beacon of hope for cancer patients, providing them with the best possible care and access to cutting-edge therapies.

Conquer Accelerator: Henry Ford Innovations collaborates closely with the Michigan State University Foundation on the Conquer Accelerator program, specifically the health tech section in Detroit. This 10-week program helps early-stage startups refine their business models, improve their products, and prepare for future investment. Participants receive seed funding, mentorship, and access to industry experts, accelerating their growth and success.

Get Involved

We invite innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs to join us in this transformative journey. By working together, we can drive innovation, address health disparities, and improve healthcare delivery for all.


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