Child Psychiatry
Duration: 4 weeks; Days/Week: 5; Hours/Day: 7-8. No night calls.
Location: Henry Ford Westpark Clinic and Henry Ford Behavioral Health Hospital.
Goal: To learn about ambulatory and inpatient models of psychiatric care for children and adolescents.
- To learn about cognitive and psychosocial development of children and adolescents.
- To learn about clinical psychopathology in children and adolescents.
- Participate in multidisciplinary treatment team meetings
- Participate in ongoing management including medication evaluations and therapy appointments.
This elective is available to senior medical students with plans of applying for residency training in psychiatry. Students will rotate through the Westpark outpatient psychiatric clinic for two weeks and the inpatient psychiatric unit at Henry Ford Behavioral Health Hospital for two weeks. The Westpark experience will include an experience at Henry Ford Center for Autism and Developmental Disability (CADD) and our School Based program. Medical students will have the opportunity to learn more about child and adolescent psychiatry. The student will attend grand rounds and meet weekly with Dr. MacLean.
Evaluation: Clinical evaluation
Recommended Reading Material: Dulcan’s Textbook of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Second Edition. Free Access for Henry Ford Students
Elective Available: September - May. All electives require approval from Dr. MacLean.
Maximum Number of Students and Prerequisites: 1 (Year IV only) with plans of applying for residency training in psychiatry. Students must have completed core clerkship.