Program Overview
- 6 Months Orthopedic Surgery
- 1 Month General Surgery
- 1 Month Plastic Surgery
- 1 Month Surgical Intensive Care Unit
- 1 Month Physical Medicine an Rehabilitation
- 1 Month Emergency Medicine
- 1 Month Internal Medicine
- ATLS Training - Paid by the hospital
- Trauma
- Spine
- Joints/General
- Resident Arthroplasty Course
- AO Basic Trauma Course
- Cadaveric Courses
- Joints/General
- Trauma
- Hand
- Pediatrics
- Elective*
- Industry sponsored subspecialty courses
- Foot and Ankle
- Trauma
- Joints/General
- Elective*
- AO Advanced Trauma Courses
- Trauma
- Joints/General
- Elective*
- AOAO and AAOS National Conference
*Elective months are used for Sports Medicine, Orthopedic Oncology, Research, or additional subspecialty training, with the training locations within the Greater Detroit Region. - There are no out-of-state rotations provided.
Each resident is request to complete scholarly activity with subsequent publication and/or presentation. Currently, every resident within the program is involved in various Orthopedic research projects.