Gregory Jackson Youth Wellness Ambassadors
As part of our program, students within our partner schools become Youth Wellness Ambassadors (YWA). These students come together and create ways to tackle the challenges that their communities and schools face related to healthy eating and physical activity. The YWA program engages these leaders with programs during the summer and school year. Examples of materials they have developed include:
Youth Wellness Ambassadors Videos
You can use these videos to make changes in your schools or communities. Learn about 5-2-1-0, Instant Recess®, and how to make changes in policy, systems, and the environment.
Youth Summit
The GWP annual Youth Summit is led by the Youth Wellness Ambassadors. Each year GWP gathers all of their Student Action Teams throughout Southeast Michigan to meet and collaborate on how they can make changes in their schools and communities.

- YWAs Presented at the 2015 PHA Annual Meeting in Chicago on Youth Led Policy, System and Environmental Change around Physical Activity and Healthy Eating
- YWAs presented at the 2013 APHA Annual Meeting in Boston on Promoting Instant Recess in Schools and Communities
- A group of the Ambassadors went to Atlanta for Usher’s New Look World Leadership Conference
- YWA lead Instant Recess® and wellness activities at various community events, stakeholder meetings, and national conferences
- Participated in the creation and production of 4 Toolkit videos that are utilized in health promotion