Tools and Resources

Interested in implementing some of our strategies and programs in your school or organization? The resources and tools on this page will give you access to all the information you need.
Generation With Promise Model: This tool outlines our approach and the different groups that contribute to the success of our program.
Instant Recess®: Based on an evidence-based model developed by Dr. Toni Yancey, this program is designed to improve health and productivity by incorporating 10-minute physical activity breaks into the routine daily. Click the link to learn more about the program and put it into practice.
5-2-1-0: This lifestyle approach helps promote a guideline that kids and their families can use to live and eat healthier.
Michigan Fitness Foundation: The Michigan Fitness Foundation and the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports work to bring about behavior change through programming, special projects, and events that encourage citizens to build physical activity and sound nutrition into their daily lives.
My Plate: Looking for an easy way to teach kids and families how to eat healthy through portion control? Check out the link to MyPlate to find out more.
Stepping Forward for Community Health: Young People Speak Out on Eating Better, Moving More and Changing Lives: A group of representatives from each of these Student Action Teams participated in the creation of a book, in partnership with the University of Michigan School of Social Work Michigan Program for Youth and Community. These youth wrote pieces to share powerful examples of the importance of healthy eating and safe physical activity opportunities in the lives of young people in urban environments.
Cooking Matters™: As part of the No Kid Hungry campaign to end childhood hunger in America, Share Our Strength's Cooking Matters™ teaches participants nutrition education to assist them in making more informed, healthy choices and how to cook delicious, budget friendly meals.
Gleaners Community Food Bank: Through a wealth of community support Gleaners community Food Bank aims to fight hunger in Southeast Michigan through food distribution from local resources and farmers, nutrition education, and advocacy.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.