Express Check In
Henry Ford Express Check In
Henry Ford Express Check offers the convenience of a faster check-in and the ability to update your personal information and pay your co-payment or past due balances – all with the touch of the screen.
The choice is yours

At your next appointment, visit the front desk receptionist or check in via the Henry Ford Express Check In available at select medical centers.
Simply follow the directions provided on the touch screen to:
- Let us know you’ve arrived for your appointment
- Confirm and update your personal and emergency contact information
- Confirm insurance information
- Pay your co-payment with your credit or debit card
- Pay your outstanding account balances
- Print future appointments
Should you need to pay with cash or check, or if you have changes to insurance, you will be directed to a clinic service representative to complete your registration.
Henry Ford Express Check In's are available in both English and Spanish at Henry Ford Medical Centers:
- Allen Road Family Medicine (non HFMG)
- Brownstown
- Chesterfield
- Columbus (Novi)
- Commons
- Fairlane
- Farmington Road
- Fraser
- Lakeside
- Livonia
- New Center One (Detroit)
- Northline Women’s Health (non HFMG)
- Shelby South
- Sterling Heights
- Taylor
- Troy
- West Bloomfield Hospital Outpatient Clinics
For more information about Express Check In, please ask any Clinic Service Representative.