Special Needs ENT Care
Henry Ford Health in the metro Detroit area offers trusted care that parents of special needs children can feel confident about. We know how to take care of syndromic children, as well as those on the autism spectrum. And we genuinely enjoy caring for these unique kids.
Our pediatric ENT specialists build long-term relationships that make children and parents feel safe and comfortable. We know how to encourage cooperation and how to change our approach if something is not working.
Syndromes with ENT complications
Henry Ford’s pediatric ENT specialists are highly regarded in the metro Detroit’s special needs community. They have considerable expertise treating syndromes susceptible to ear, nose and throat conditions:
- Down syndrome: Children with Down syndrome often have narrow ear canals that can lead to chronic ear infections, which can worsen into hearing loss. They are also prone to sinusitis, rhinitis and sleep apnea.
- Goldenhar syndrome: These children will often have ENT conditions related to a cleft palate. They may also have hearing loss due to a small or missing ear.
- Pierre-Robin syndrome: This rare disease can cause a displaced tongue and/or cleft palate. Both of these conditions can lead to difficulty breathing and sleep apnea.
- Velocardiofacial syndrome: Children with this condition most often have a cleft palate, which can lead to swallowing problems. They may also be prone to middle ear infections.
Autism and hearing loss
It is common for children on the autism spectrum to be evaluated for hearing loss. And it can be difficult to detect, particularly if your child is nonverbal.
Some children with a disability or developmental delay are unable to perform subjective hearing tests. Subjective tests require the child to participate and complete certain tasks.To evaluate hearing in these children, our doctors conduct objective hearing tests that don’t require participation. Your child might be sedated for these tests, which collect hearing data.
Innovative hearing test technology
We also offer non-sedated auditory brainstem response (ABR) technology, an innovative, objective hearing test that allows children to stay awake during the test.
Awake ABR technology is available at select Henry Ford locations. The doctor will let you know if this test is an option for your child.