Injury prevention FAQs
To stay safe, it’s important to take steps to avoid injury in your daily life. We’ve gathered answers to some of the questions our team commonly receives about injury prevention.
Am I at risk for a fall?
You may be at risk for a fall if you have trouble seeing, hearing, or walking. Additionally, if you sometimes feel dizzy, have had a stroke, fallen in the past 6 months, or are on medications that could produce side effects.
Most fall incidents occur in the home. How do I make my home safe?
To minimize fall incidents and make your home as safe as possible, be sure to keep a tidy space and avoid clutter you could easily trip over. Additionally, move items you frequently use to levels within reach, so you don’t need to use a step stool.
How do I stay active?
To stay active, try participating in an exercise program (water aerobics, chair exercises, Tai Chi, yoga, etc.), walking or joining your local community center.
How do I stay safe when I’m out and about?
Stay safe by wearing sensible shoes and using a cane or walker. Avoid carrying extra items in your hands so you can use handrails. Additionally, it’s important not to rush and to move slowly while you’re aware of your surroundings and any obstacles or hazards.
How can I keep my family safe?
It’s important to keep your family safe – especially when babies and children are around. Restrict access to unsafe areas that include cleaning and laundry products, and anything that’s sharp or dangerous.
In the event that you fall, it’s crucial that you have a way to call for help. A great way to do so is to wear a medical alert device or have an Alexa/Google device so you can call someone hands-free.
What are the main causes of injury and how can they be prevented?
Injury can be caused by person-specific factors (your health and wellbeing) or by environmental factors (condition of the environment). It’s important to maintain good health and your atmosphere to keep yourself and those around you safe from injury.
What types of classes are offered at Henry Ford for injury prevention?
Henry Ford Injury Prevention offers a wide range of classes from fall prevention, Stop the Bleed, driver safety, and child passenger safety classes.
How can I request a class?
Send an email to to submit your request and find out what is available in your area.
Where can I find more information and resources?