Eligibility Guidelines for the Generation Health Research Study
We appreciate your interest in the Generation Health research study! Please review these guidelines. If you answer “yes” to all of the following statements, please email healthofinfants@hfhs.org or call (313) 874-3659 to tell us you are interested in taking part in the study. A member of the study team will connect with you.
Do you answer “yes” to all of the following?
- Mom delivered at a Henry Ford Health hospital between Jan. 1, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2023.
- Mom was 18 years or older when Baby was born.
- Mom identifies as Black/African American or White.
- Mom did not have diabetes (high blood sugar) while pregnant or gestational diabetes (high blood sugar only during pregnancy).
- Mom did not have preeclampsia or eclampsia (elevated high blood pressure) when pregnant.
- Mom was not admitted to a hospital emergency room when pregnant.
- Mom's BMI (body mass index) is less than 30. Calculate your BMI.
- Mom had a vaginal birth (not a C-section).
- Mom delivered without complications.
- Mom speaks English.
- Baby weighed 5.5 pounds or more when born.
- Baby was not considered “premature” or “low birth weight.”
- Baby was not admitted to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
If you are not sure you qualify and are interested in taking part, please email healthofinfants@hfhs.org or call (313) 874-3659. A member of our study team will help determine if you can take part.