The Detroit Institute of Arts: Behind the Seen
The Detroit Institute of Arts' virtual Behind the Seen program brings insight and engagement about the DIA's collection from the museum to your...
Welcome to the online edition of Journey Forward magazine! In each issue, you will find the back story to one of our thousands of inspirational patients, insights into resources available for those dealing with cancer and highlights of advances within Henry Ford Cancer. Plus, each story offers web “extras” and links designed to inspire, empower and simplify your life.
An online search leads Anthony to a unique clinical trial and cutting-edge prostate cancer surgery. Read more.
Whether you love painting or you’ve never held a brush, Henry Ford experts say taking up painting during your cancer journey can help you heal and find emotional comfort. Read more.
For many cancer patients, clinical trials – before or during treatment – provide opportunities to receive care that otherwise may not be available. Read more.
Certain lifesaving cancer treatments may increase the risk of developing heart problems. A Henry Ford heart expert explains cardiotoxicity and the steps to take to lower your risk. Read more.
It’s important to surround yourself with people who will support you throughout your cancer journey, from driving you to an appointment, dropping off dinner, walking the dog, helping with laundry or regularly calling to check in. Read more.
While cancer often changes personal relationships – and not always for the better – it’s possible to find the willpower to move on, be flexible and forgive. Read more.
One of the most striking features of Henry Ford Cancer’s Brigitte Harris Cancer Pavilion in Detroit is a pedestrian bridge that connects the Pavilion to Henry Ford Hospital. It was made possible through a $5 million donation made by Robert J. Vlasic to honor his late wife Nancy. Read more.
After a tongue cancer diagnosis, June dug deep to find willpower and support in a situation where most people might give up. Read more.
Download a PDF of the complete 2022 Winter issue >
The Detroit Institute of Arts' virtual Behind the Seen program brings insight and engagement about the DIA's collection from the museum to your...
Hosted by Art Therapist Calli Perry, join us weekly for free open studio sessions and spend some you-time having fun and being creative! Bring your...
Hosted by Art Therapist Calli Perry, join us weekly for free open studio sessions and spend some you-time having fun and being creative! Bring your...
If you are looking for support and understanding from others who have been diagnosed with breast or a gynecological cancer, join us the second...
Asking for help isn’t always easy, but if you have cancer, delegating tasks can make you and your support network feel better. Here’s how.
Going to the infusion room for the first time can be daunting. Here's what to expect - and what to bring with you - so that you can ease your nerves.
Being a caregiver for a loved one going through cancer treatment isn't easy. It's important to take time for self-care so you can avoid burnout.
There's a lot information about what increases your risk of developing breast cancer, and it can be hard to sort through. Here's a breakdown of the breast cancer risk factors you need to know about - and crucial advice for reducing your risk.
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