Mun Y Choe, MD
Specialties: Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine
Services: General Anesthesiology
Board Certification and Education
- American Board of Anesthesiology - Anesthesiology
- American Board of Anesthesiology - Pain Medicine
- Wayne State University, MI, 2012
- Henry Ford Hospital, Anesthesiology, MI, 2016
- Henry Ford Hospital, Pain Management, MI, 2018
About Me
I was born in South Korea and immigrated to US at young age. I completed my education and training in Michigan, including Anesthesiology residency at Henry Ford Hospital. One of my upcoming goals is to complete Pain Medicine Fellowship at Henry Ford. I am very interested in continuing to work with anesthesia residents. And my plan is to practice both general anesthesia and pain medicine after my fellowship training.
Videos and Articles
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Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Hospital
- Henry Ford Jackson Hospital
- Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital