Volunteer today and help us make progress toward preventing food allergy!

You may be able to help us get a better understanding on how the everyday environment, your genetics, and early-life factors play a role in asthma and food allergies.

The Systems Biology of Early Atopy Study (SUNBEAM) is focused on learning how many factors in early life can relate to asthma and food allergies. This study will include pregnant women (at any stage of pregnancy), the baby’s birth father, and the baby.

Being a part of the study will last up to 45 months. This study will start from when the pregnant women says “Yes!” to join the study, until the child is 3 years old.

Why Asthma and Allergy Research Matters

Hear from Dr. Amy Eapen, a physician and mother at Henry Ford Health, as she discusses the critical importance of research into asthma and allergies for children, families, and future generations. Her unique viewpoint highlights how research can improve lives through discovery and care.

Learn how you can participate in the SUNBEAM Study.

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Is there any more information about the study?

Did you know that food allergy affects about 5-10% of young children, and this is the highest in the first year of life? Or that children who have eczema are at a higher risk for food allergy and other allergic diseases? Right now, there is not a good way to figure out which babies are going to get food allergies and other allergic diseases. SUNBEAM researchers want to better understand how biology, the environment, genetics, and early-life factors affect the development of allergic diseases through age 3 years. SUNBEAM will focus on eczema and food allergies in the first year of life.

How long will the study last? 

Being a part of the study will last up to 45 months. This study will start from when the pregnant women says “Yes!” to join the study, until the child is 3 years old. 

Who can be take part in this study? 

  • Women at any stage of their pregnancy
  • Pregnant women 18 years or older
  • Baby's birth father 18 years or older
  • Planning to deliver at a Henry Ford Hospital   
  • Must be patients in the Henry Ford Medical Group

I'm a dad. Can I take part in the SUNBEAM study with my partner and child?

Yes, biological fathers are an important part of the SUNBEAM study. We encourage dads to take part. Learn more about dad's role in the SUNBEAM study.

How do I join or get more information about SUNBEAM?

Our research team is excited to give you with more information or help you in signing up for the study. Please contact us at or call (313) 556-7819.

Read our Newsletter

Learn more about the newsletter for SUNBEAM study families.


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