I am a record-breaking athlete whose will can't be broken. I am Henry.

Randy was a talented football player and elite track star when he suffered an injury so severe, it nearly ended his college career.

Randy was off to an impressive start at Adrian College. During his first track season, he set school records running the 60 meters in 7.05 seconds and 100 meters in 10.80 seconds. Then, in the fall, Randy ruptured the patella tendon in his left knee while attempting to catch a pass during the Bulldogs' football season opener.

The patellar tendon is connected to the tibia and patella bones in the leg and holds the knee in place. Rupturing it makes it extremely difficult to walk, run or jump. Vasilios "Bill" Moutzouros, M.D., Henry Ford's chief of sports medicine noted, "It's a career-threatening injury—It's one of the more serious knee injuries you can have."

"It's a career-threatening injury—It's one of the more serious knee injuries you can have."

Soon after his injury, Randy underwent surgery performed by Dr. Moutzouros to repair his ruptured tendon at Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital. The surgery was just the first of many challenges Randy had to overcome to literally get his career back on track.

Randy began the grueling therapy to rehab his knee just two weeks after his surgery—therapy that tested his will and determination. "It was a constant grind—It was harder than I expected."

"It was a constant grind—It was harder than I expected."

Nine long months after Randy began therapy, he was cleared for sports again. That fall, he kicked off his junior year by returning to the football field and completed the season with no lingering effects from his injury. But the real question was how his knee would hold up when he ran track again.

His answer came in the spring of 2018 when, once again, he broke the indoor 60 meters record, running it in 6.9 seconds. By the time he graduated, Randy had earned Most Valuable Runner honors – Adrian's first runner in school history to do so in indoor track. And he set records for the 200 meters (22.31) and broke his own 60 meters (6.9) record by .05 seconds (6.85).

Randy recalls how difficult and rewarding his recovery was, "It was a struggle every day—the joy that comes with achieving a goal that you've worked so hard for – is really unmatched."

Dr. Moutzouros was very impressed with Randy's determination and character, "He's an amazing outcome—Part of it is the patient, part of it, of course, is the surgery." When you put the latest orthopedic procedures together with Randy's will and refusal to quit, you find a young man’s inner-Henry. And that’s a story we couldn’t be more thrilled to be a part of for him.

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