Head Injuries
Not all injuries to the head are immediately apparent. It is important that you or another adult watch your child carefully during the first 24-hours following any injury to the head.
You should call your Henry Ford Pediatrician at 1-800-HENRYFORD or bring your child to the nearest pediatric emergency department if:

- Your child vomits continuously following the injury or complains of nausea for more than four hours.
- Your child complains of severe headaches that pain relievers do not help or complains that the headache is getting worse.
- Your child has unusual behaviors, such as:
- Confusion
- Difficulty using an arm or leg
- Dizziness
- Pupils appearing unequal in size
- Very sleepy or difficult to wake
- Seizures or convulsions
- Your child acts more fussy than normal and will not eat or sleep.
In the first 24 hours following the injury, you should:
- Wake your child every few hours to make sure he or she acts normally and can give you his or her name and age.
- Not use a pain reliever stronger than acetaminophen.
- Not allow your child to play hard.
- Give your child only small amounts of juice, soup, milk or water if he or she complains of an upset stomach.