Henry Ford Wyandotte Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Committee
The HFWH DEIJ committee is part of the graduate medical education system and is led by a team of residents, with representatives from each of our 4 programs. It aims to build a more welcoming and inclusive clinical environment by incorporating a diversity and equity lens into our recruitment and hiring processes, clinical training, and patient care. Specifically, this committee serves in an advisory capacity to achieve the following:
- Expand efforts to recruit applicants from underrepresented groups to our postgraduate training programs in OBGYN, EM, General Surgery, and Podiatry.
- Training residents in health disparities and the economic and social determinants of health that uniquely impact the communities we serve.
- Ensuring dignifying clinical delivery that is culturally sensitive and grounded in empathy and justice.
Click here for information about the Clinical Excellence through Diversity Scholarship.
Monthly Events
Journal Clubs
- Monthly meeting where all residents are excused from duties; Attendance from attendings, residents, and medical students
- Residents choose and present articles on various topics relevant to diversity, equity and inclusion in medicine
- Highlights social determinants of health and the effects on health outcomes
Past Articles Presented:
- "Analgesic Access for Acute Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department among Racial/Ethnic Minority Patients."
- "Exploring the Social Determinants of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Prenatal Care Utilization and Maternal Outcome."
Resident/Student Training
- Guest lectures, workshops, specialty specific spotlight lectures, training sessions, etc.
Presentation Examples from the Past:
- WC SAFE (Wayne County Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners): an organization aimed to inspire healing and empowerment for those affected by sexual violence. Session focused on approaching patients who have been victims of intimate partner violence, domestic abuse, sexual assault, human trafficking, etc., from an intersectional lens and in a way that is culturally sensitive
- LGBTQ+ Lecture and Q&A featuring various speakers including our very own faculty who spoke on ways to address our LGBTQ+ community, patient-centered care for LGBTQ+ youth and gender affirming primary care.
Resources in the local community:
- https://www.firststep-mi.org/
- https://equalitymi.org/
- https://chasscenter.org/
- https://www.sashacenter.org/
- https://maifs.org/
- http://www.ruthelliscenter.org/
- https://www.accesscommunity.org/
- http://www.wcsafe.org
The Committee Consists Of:

Shermeen Rahmat

Fatimoh Oyedele

Diane Awa

Naveen Rihal

Ines Eugenio-Fernandez