womens health condition in men
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Women’s Health Conditions That Also Affect Men

Posted on March 21, 2025 by Henry Ford Health Staff

Despite gender stereotypes, men and women often experience similar health and wellness issues. However, even today, some conditions like breast cancer and autoimmune diseases are considered “women’s diseases” despite the fact that they can affect men too.

While the following conditions may be rarer in men than women, their impact tends to be more devastating in men, making them that much more vital to bring up during a wellness visit. Here are several conditions that men shouldn’t overlook or be afraid to ask about during their next checkup.

4 Women’s Health Conditions That Can Affect Men Too

1. Autoimmune disease

Fact: Autoimmune conditions like celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), lupus or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis disproportionately affect women. But that doesn’t mean men a unaffected. “Autoimmune diseases often present differently in men, so symptoms are often ignored,” says Alexis Federman, D.O., a primary care physician at Henry Ford Health. Plus, since symptoms tend to be vague (and in some cases inconsistent), men may chalk them up to run-of-the-mill aches and pains.

Who should get checked: If you’re consistently tired, achy, or just feel out of sorts, get checked out. The most common autoimmune diseases in men are Type 1 diabetes and an inflammatory condition of the spine called ankylosing spondylitis. Additionally, men who have a family history of other autoimmune diseases, including lupus and RA, should talk with their providers about getting a blood work or imaging done.

2. Osteoporosis

Men and women both lose bone mass each year after age 50. However, women may initially lose more due to menopause – from the loss of bone-protecting hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Men tend to lose bone mass more slowly until about age 70 when testosterone levels begin decreasing at a higher rate. By then, men and women have the same likelihood for osteoporosis.

There are also secondary factors that can negatively impact the bones of men and women including:

  • Steroid use
  • Proton pump inhibitors prescribed for reflux
  • Some psychiatric medications
  • Excessive alcohol or tobacco use

Who should get checked: You might consider getting a bone density scan if you take any medications that are known to negatively impact your bones (such as steroids or others) or have suffered a new fracture after the age of 50 or as the result of a minor injury. If you have osteoporosis, talk with your doctor about your options for managing your condition.

3. Breast cancer

While breast cancer more common in women, the disease still strikes more than 2,500 men in the U.S. each year. What’s worse, most of these men won’t catch their cancer until it reaches the later stages. “Since breast cancer in men is less common, it is not currently recommended to screen the entire male general population for the disease,” says Dr. Federman.

Who should get checked: Talk to your doctor if you feel a painless lump in the chest or underarm area or notice any nipple changes. Men should also talk to their doctors about whether screening is appropriate if they:

  • Have a strong family history of breast cancer, genetic mutations or conditions that are linked to breast cancer (including BRCA1 and BRCA2 and Klinefelter syndrome)
  • Were treated with radiation therapy
  • Took estrogen-related hormone therapy for prostate cancer
  • Have additional risk factors including obesity, liver disease or testicular disease

4. Yeast infections

Yes, men can get them too. Men who develop penile yeast infections typically experience inflammation of the head of the penis, redness, itchiness and pain in or around the genital region. Risk factors include:

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  • Being overweight or obese
  • Not showering after exercise
  • Being chronically hot or sweaty
  • Taking prolonged courses of antibiotics
  • Uncontrolled diabetes
  • Being uncircumcised
  • Having a compromised immune system due to conditions such as HIV

Who should get checked: If you have yeast infection symptoms, get checked to rule out other conditions such as sexually transmitted infections. If you have any of the possible risk factors, check with your doctor about proactive ways to prevent future yeast infections with antifungal medications.

Take Charge of Men’s Health

Men should have annual health exams with a primary care provider beginning in their late teens or early 20s. This helps establish a relationship with your provider so you work with them to prevent health problems before they arise.

“It’s important to get a routine physical when you’re feeling good,” says Dr. Federman. “Not only will that help you identify risk factors for different conditions, but it also ensures you know where to turn when you don’t feel well or begin experiencing troublesome symptoms.”

No matter what your gender, age or risk factors, tell your doctor if you notice any changes in your health or day-to-day functioning.

Reviewed by Alexis Federman, D.O., a primary care physician who sees patients at Henry Ford Medical Center - Livonia.

Categories : FeelWell

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