artificial sweeteners
artificial sweeteners

Studies Show A Link Between Artificial Sweeteners And Stroke Risk. Should You Be Concerned?

Posted on January 27, 2025 by Suzanna Mazur

For years, people have turned to artificial sugar substitutes as a way of cutting down their dietary sugar intake. While the short-term effects of these artificial sweeteners might mean eating less calories or losing some weight, newer studies claim that regular consumption could be putting you at a much higher risk for a heart attack or stroke.

A study published in the journal of Nature Medicine identifies the sweetener erythritol as a possible concern for consumers. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is often used as a sugar replacement due to its sugar-like consistency. Most commonly, it can be found in zero-sugar drinks, snack foods and as an additive in sweeteners like Truvia and Splenda.

Additionally, another study found that xylitol, a sugar alcohol commonly used as an artificial sweetener in condiments, candy and even dental products, also poses a risk to consumers.

How Artificial Sweeteners Can Impact Your Body

“Erythritol is basically a type of sugar but it’s one that the body does not metabolize well,” says Daniel Miller, M.D., a stroke neurologist at Henry Ford Health. That means it doesn’t provide any value to the body, so for the most part, it is expelled in your urine. Or so we thought.

The erythritol study took blood samples of patients that were at high risk of heart disease and found that they had high levels of erythritol in their bloodstreams. This would indicate that the higher the erythritol levels in your blood, the greater your risk of a heart attack, stroke or even death.

Researchers also claim that erythritol and xylitol make your blood clot easier. This can lead to larger and more severe blockages over time – which is especially of concern for people with pre-existing heart conditions. “The fact that these products are interpreted by many to be an healthier option unknowingly puts many of those high-risk individuals at an even higher risk for clotting events," says Dr. Miller.

The results of these effects were proven in the xylitol study. In this study, researchers were looking to understand why those with high levels of xylitol in their blood are at a 50% greater risk of cardiovascular events compared to those with lower levels. They did this by taking blood samples of healthy patients before and after drinking a xylitol-sweetened beverage. The results found that xylitol levels in the blood increased dramatically afterwards, resulting in part of the blood, called platelets, becoming more sensitive to clotting.

Doc’s Advice: Tread Cautiously With Artificial Sweeteners

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So how should we proceed with this information? According to Dr. Miller, based on the sources of this information, more research is needed before doctors can support this study. “I am cautiously concerned,” says Dr. Miller. "Although we may not fully understand how these substances affects us all, I certainly think it is worth considering for those at risk of stroke and cardiovascular events."

In the meantime, Dr. Miller notes that it is still a good idea to minimize your consumption of products containing artificial sweeteners. Stop completely if you can. When you are buying groceries or personal care products, always be sure to read the labels first to identify if erythritol, xylitol or other artificial sweeteners are included on the ingredient list. While products that are labeled as sugar-free or zero sugar can be enticing if you are looking to eat healthier, you could be unknowingly putting yourself at risk for greater health concerns in the future.

If you consume products containing erythritol or xylitol on a regular basis, talk with your doctor to see if your cardiovascular and stroke risk should be evaluated. 

Reviewed by Dr. Daniel Miller, a stroke neurologist who sees patients at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.

Categories : FeelWell

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