Everyone has some level of cancer risk, says Harmesh Naik, M.D., a medical oncologist at Henry Ford Health. That’s because cancer is a disease of dividing cells – and being alive means our cells are constantly dividing. Sometimes, when our cells divide, our cellular DNA becomes damaged (or makes mistakes), which turns healthy cells into cancer cells.
We can’t eliminate our cancer risk, but we can take steps to lower it. “There are two kinds of cancer risk factors,” says Dr. Naik. “Some are non-modifiable, like aging and genetics. Others are modifiable, like lifestyle and environmental factors.
“For example, my mother passed away at a rather young age of acute leukemia. This means I may have a hereditary predisposition to developing acute leukemia. I cannot modify that. But I can modify my lifestyle to reduce some effects of this non-modifiable risk factor.”
Here, Dr. Naik shares what he does to lower his cancer risk.
1. Exercise three to five times per week.
Just 30 minutes of gentle activity three to five days a week reduces your risk of several cancers. “I love walking along nature trails with my wife and bike riding around our neighborhood,” says Dr. Naik. “But I like to mix it up with aerobic exercise. Sometimes I jog or play basketball with my son.”
2. Maintain an optimal BMI.
BMI, or body mass index, calculates someone’s total body fat, roughly determining whether they are underweight, at a healthy weight, or overweight.
“Having a higher-than-optimal BMI is tied to so many cancers, such as stomach, colorectal, pancreatic, kidney and liver,” says Dr. Naik. “I keep my BMI in a consistent range. If it goes toward the higher end of healthy, I know I need to increase my physical activity.” You can calculate your BMI here.
3. Limit processed foods.
While diet trends come and go, the principles of healthy eating stay the same. “I eat a diverse, nutritious diet with plenty of fiber and antioxidant-packed fruits and vegetables, and I avoid processed foods,” says Dr. Naik. “I am a vegetarian, but for those who eat meat, I would also recommend limiting red meat and processed meat, which are linked to colorectal cancer.”

Know Your Cancer Risk
4. Avoid smoking.
Most people know smoking causes lung cancer, but they might not know carcinogens from cigarette smoke dissolve into the blood and cause other cancers, like bladder, liver, kidney, colon and stomach. “Smoking may also contribute to leukemia,” says Dr. Naik. “My mom never smoked, but because I have a possible genetic predisposition to leukemia, I’d never touch a cigarette. And secondhand smoke is just as dangerous. I avoid any place where smoking is allowed because it’s just not worth it.”
5. Save alcohol for special occasions.
Alcohol increases the risk of many cancers such as breast, esophageal, liver, colorectal and oral. “We’re still researching the amount of alcohol that increases your risk for cancer, but I reserve it for celebrations like weddings, birthdays and anniversaries,” says Dr. Naik. In fact, the World Health Organization said recently that no amount of alcohol is considered safe and a new United States Surgeon General Advisory says less than one drink per day can increase your risk for certain cancers.
6. Don’t eat rancid nuts or grains.
“Nuts and grains that have been sitting around for a long time make a fungus called aflatoxin, which is a significant contributor to liver cancer,” says Dr. Naik. If your nuts or grains have a rancid smell, are shriveled or have dark spots, throw them away. “Even with expiration dates, factors like moisture and temperature can make them go bad faster,” says Dr. Naik. “It’s best to store them in the refrigerator.”
7. Protect your skin from the sun.
“No skin is safe from skin cancer,” says Dr. Naik. “I’m Indian by heritage but I still wear a hat and sunblock.” Sun damage is cumulative – both tans and sunburns damage the skin.
8. Wear a mask on bad air quality days.
Climate change is fueling an increase in wildfires, which means we’re experiencing an increase in air pollution - and air pollution is a contributor to cancer, says Dr. Naik.
Check the air quality in your area on airnow.gov. If it hits 151, the air quality is unhealthy and you should wear a mask outside and limit your time outdoors. If you have a preexisting health condition, wear a mask and limit your time outdoors if the air quality hits 101, which means it is unhealthy for sensitive groups.
9. Limit radiation exposure.
For those who work in the medical field like Dr. Naik, it’s important to wear a protective shield when seeing patients in radiology to avoid radiation exposure, as too much radiation can cause cancer.
10. Check your basement for radon.
Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that naturally occurs in the soil. “It seeps into homes through basement cracks and causes lung cancer,” says Dr. Naik. In the state of Michigan, free radon test kits are available by county. If radon is detected in your basement, there are companies that specialize in sealing it off. At the state of Michigan’s website, you can learn how to get and use a radon test kit, view indoor radon results by zip code and more.
11. Wear disposable gloves when getting gasoline.
Benzene is a volatile organic compound that’s found in gasoline – and it’s a potent leukemia-causing agent. “I don’t want it to spill on my skin, so I put on a disposable glove before pumping gas,” says Dr. Naik. “Some gas stations offer gloves at the pumps, or you can keep a box in your car.”
Breathing in gasoline vapors can also be dangerous, so Dr. Naik takes precautions to avoid this. “Especially on hot days, the vaporization from gas can be more intense,” he says. “So I get gas very early in the morning or late in the evening, when it’s cooler outside.”
12. Get vaccinated to avoid cancer-causing viral infections.
Hepatitis B and C are viruses that are significant risk factors for liver cancer. While there isn’t a vaccine for hepatitis C, Dr. Naik has been vaccinated for hepatitis B.
And HPV (or the human papillomavirus) is a virus that increases your risk for oral and genital cancers. The HPV vaccine is approved for everyone ages 9 to 45 but is most effective in young people. “While this cancer prevention method doesn’t apply to me because of the age range, I had my children vaccinated against HPV when they were in high school,” says Dr. Naik. “Vaccines are important cancer-prevention methods.”
13. Know your genetic risk for cancer.
Learning whether any of your relatives have had cancer – and what kind – can help you understand your own risk. “We can test for certain genetic mutations that increase the risk for cancers like colorectal, ovarian, breast, kidney and stomach,” says Dr. Naik. “Unfortunately, there isn’t a genetic test to assess my leukemia risk, but if there were, I would get tested.”
If you do have a genetic mutation, ask your doctor if any medications can help reduce your cancer risk. You should also ask when to start cancer screenings. “Early cancer detection saves lives,” says Dr. Naik. “I don’t want knowledge about cancer risk factors to scare anyone – I want it to empower them to take the necessary steps to reduce their risk.”
And whether or not you have a family history of cancer, keep up with your routine cancer screenings, whether for breast, cervical, colorectal, prostate or lung. “Everyone should talk to their doctor about their personal history, as they may have more ways to reduce your individual risk,” says Dr. Naik. “Knowledge is power.”
Reviewed by Harmesh Naik, M.D., a medical oncologist who sees patients at Henry Ford Cancer – Downriver, Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane and Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital.