caring for grandchildren
caring for grandchildren

How Caring For Grandchildren Can Boost Your Health

Posted on October 19, 2023 by Henry Ford Health Staff

Babysitting your grandchildren means a day packed with constant activity—playing games, making meals and keeping naptime routines. While it may seem hectic (and feel exhausting), this babysitting time can actually boost your health, according to Hina Hussaini, M.D., a geriatrician at Henry Ford Health.

“Research has shown that babysitting grandchildren improves your brain health, providing activity and social connection that keep you mentally sharp. Time with grandkids can also reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s disease and depression and improve your physical fitness. The key is to spend quality time together without taking on the full burden of childcare,” says Dr. Hussaini.

Babysitting Grandchildren And Brain Health

As we age, our brains need exercise the same way our muscles do. Babysitting allows grandparents to stay mentally alert as they engage their grandchildren in activities and provide care. These interactions improve memory, language, reasoning and critical thinking skills.

Research backs up the benefits of babysitting for older people. A 2014 Australian study showed higher memory scores for women who cared for grandchildren once per week. Researchers concluded that periodic babysitting may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Hussaini explains that babysitting also boosts grandparents’ emotional health. “Research has shown that grandparents who enjoy quality bonding time with grandchildren have a lower risk of depression. They feel more socially connected and have a greater sense of well-being as a valued family member.”

But the benefits only apply to babysitting in moderation. In the 2014 study, women who babysat five days per week actually had a higher risk of cognitive decline. “If your children rely on you for daycare, consider limiting the frequency to give yourself time to rest and recover. Adult children can also ease the burden on grandparents during babysitting. Allow grandparents to focus on childcare and avoid adding tasks such as household chores,” says Dr. Hussaini.

Babysitting Grandchildren Boosts Physical Fitness

Staying physically active is essential to healthy aging—and babysitting offers many opportunities to get moving. Crawling on the floor after a toddler, pushing a swing or taking walks with grandkids keep your heart pumping and blood flowing.

Research results from a 2016 study on aging show that grandparents who babysat grandchildren lived 37% longer. Participants who provided periodic childcare were also more physically fit and had less stress.

If you want to keep up with your grandchildren, you may be more motivated to exercise regularly. But know your limitations. For example, daily babysitting may be difficult for someone with chronic health conditions. Dr. Hussaini encourages grandparents and adult children to find the right balance, keeping babysitting time safe for everyone.

Tips For Spending Quality Time With Grandkids

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Want to make babysitting time stimulating for you and your grandchildren? Dr. Hussaini recommends these strategies:

  • Set a schedule: Talk with your adult children about a suggested schedule for activities. A consistent routine will make babysitting time go more smoothly.
  • Be creative: Find a project you and your grandchildren will enjoy doing together. Build a model, put together a puzzle or start an art project. Teach your grandkids about healthy foods by creating a garden. These activities allow you to share your interests and teach your grandkids new skills.
  • Get moving: Build an obstacle course in the backyard, go to the park or introduce your grandkids to pickleball. These activities keep you active and model the benefits of physical fitness for your grandchildren.
  • Choose reading time over screen time: While watching a movie together can be fun, take time to read with your grandkids. Reading to or with kids of all ages can boost their vocabulary, knowledge and imagination.
  • Share stories and traditions: Cook a favorite recipe or teach them your family’s cultural traditions. Tell your grandchildren about past generations or what their parents were like as children. These activities allow you to pass along family history and create lasting memories for you and your grandkids.

“Your grandchildren will enjoy having a trusted grandparent to play with, confide in and provide support as they grow,” says Dr. Hussaini. “Your time babysitting will strengthen family bonds and boost your overall health and wellness.”

Reviewed by Dr. Hina Hussaini, a geriatric medicine doctor who sees patients at Henry Ford Medical Center - Detroit Northwest.

Categories : FeelWell

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