Health and Wellness Presentations

Educational sessions at work offer your staff the tools to improve their health. Participants can learn specific wellness techniques and solutions from a Henry Ford expert.
We offer all of these presentations online and the sessions below can be done in-person for certain locations.
Metro Detroit and southeast Michigan
Chronic Health Conditions
ABC’s of diabetes
Join Henry Ford Health diabetic educators to learn about diabetes facts and myths, as well as risk factors for diabetes, recommended screenings, nutrition basics (label reading, eating out, and portion sizes) and resources to get additional help.
Heart disease
This presentation outlines the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
Exercise on a budget
Getting physically fit doesn't have to be expensive. Learn how to fit exercise in without purchasing expensive exercise equipment or gym memberships. Receive tips on how to build an exercise routine without breaking the bank!
Move to improve…Every day, find a way!
Physical activity is essential to our well-being and overall good health. This fun, interactive session shows employees how to fit exercise into their daily lives, whether it’s a five minute aerobic pick-me-up, some strength exercises or stretches to improve flexibility and decrease risk of injury. We review ideas for all including desk stretches that can be performed in just a few minutes.
Healthy Living
Getting a good night's sleep
Did you know that 37 percent of Henry Ford Health employees report they suffer from insomnia? Did you know that poor sleep affects your weight, health, stress and energy levels? Learn how to achieve a restful night’s sleep so that you can have more energy when you are awake!
Smoking cessation: KICK-N-IT
Quitting tobacco can be hard, but with the right tools, it can be a lot easier. This lunch and learn provides information on how to prepare for quitting tobacco and most importantly how to stay quit. Topics include: developing a quit plan, coping with withdrawal, managing temptations to smoke, medications, tips to deal with stress and weight gain.
Time management tips
Have you ever wondered where all of your time goes? Become aware of the ways in which your behaviors can contribute to your own time management issues. Better time management skills can reduce stress and improve productivity. Let the experts from the Henry Ford Health Employee Assistance Program show you how!
Just grab an apple. This presentation includes information and ideas about how to eat healthy at work – whether you’re packing something or purchasing it from the corporate dining room.
Healthy recipe modifications
This session discusses ways to reduce fat, sodium, sugar and calories in some of your favorite recipes.
Healthy dining out
Although healthy and dining out may not seem to go together it is possible to make healthy restaurant choices. This session will review ways to consume less in restaurants and search menus for the healthiest options.
Let’s spice it up
Did you know that the average American consumers double the sodium suggested in healthy guidelines? In this presentation participants discover how to use herbs and spices to liven up cooking and make tastier meals.
Super foods
In the super foods session participants learn to decrease their risk of disease and reduce the signs of aging by adding super foods to a healthy diet.
25 ingredients into 15 fast healthy meals
This session focus on making balanced low-fat, high fiber meals, that are based on grains, fruits and vegetables. Registered dietitians will also provide tips on saving time, cooking, using left over and making list.
Spending your calorie salary
Learn the true cost of poor nutrition and how to get the most value for your calories. This class takes you through the food pyramid and helps you plan your calories healthfully to keep you within your budget.
*Cooking demonstrations are available at our Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital campus.
Jackson and South Central Michigan
Healthy Living
Be Tobacco Free
Provides an overview of the quitting process. Learn why it can be challenging but possible to stop using tobacco. Each person is different but you can learn how to begin your own quitting journey. Topics addressed include: medications to help you quit, how to set up a quit plan, alternates to smoking, and cognitive change.
Heart Health: Know Your Numbers
Provides an overview of heart disease and what individuals can do to help reduce their risk of developing it. Risk factors for heart disease will be covered with an emphasis on those that can be controlled.
Blood Pressure Up? Learn How to Dial it Down
Learn why managing your blood pressure is important to your health. Provides an overview of what blood pressure is and what an individual can do to help keep it in a healthy range.
DASH Eating Plan to Help Manage Your Blood Pressure
Provides a better understanding of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan. Studies have shown that following this eating plan can lower an individual’s blood pressure within in two weeks.
Diabetes Prevention & Management
It’s estimated that 1 in 3 Americans have pre-diabetes and most aren’t aware. Type 2 diabetes is a highly preventable and treatable disease. Learn strategies to prevent diabetes if you don’t have it and manage it well if you do.
Stress and Mental Health
What Stress and How Do You Cope?
After identifying sources of stress, we will discuss stress triggers and reactions to give you an increased awareness of how you cope with stress. The increased awareness will allow you to better evaluate stressors in your life while setting goals to continue what’s working and to improve what isn’t.
How to Make Stress Your Friend
Learn to use your body’s natural stress response to become more focused, loving and connected.
Don’t Eat Your Stress
Learn about the physiological response to stress and how it can lead to emotional eating. Create strategies to stop the cycle.
Stress Management: “App”lication Resources
Join us for an interactive class designed to help you understand your stressors and experience “Apps” and resources geared for stress management and reduction.
Compassion Fatigue
Are you a caregiver for family, friends, or through volunteering and/or work? Join in to learn more about compassion fatigue and identify personal strategies to avoid burnout. We will go beyond positive thinking through connecting what you can do by changing even 1 minute of your day in creating effective and efficient habits to enhance your happiness and still support those around you.
Understanding Depression
We all feel blue, bummed out or down in the dumps at times, but is it depression? Learn the definition, symptoms and causes of depression as well as coping mechanisms to help you understand this common condition.
Understanding Anxiety
Do you think you or someone you care about may suffer with anxiety? Learn the definition, symptoms and causes of anxiety as well as coping strategies to help you understand this commonly misunderstood chronic condition.
Holiday Blues
Learn how to identify it, the differences from depression and ways to address it as early as possible.
Talk Back to Negative Thoughts
Would you speak to your loved ones the mean ways you sometimes “talk” to yourself? No way? Discover how replacing negative thoughts with positive thinking can improve your mood and overall well-being.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
Bad day? Stressful job? How do you cope at the end of the day? Do you escape or persevere? Do you turn to drinking, smoking or drugging? How much is too much? Find out what else works.
Avoid Burnout by Increasing Compassion
Define and reframe stress and resiliency characteristics and identify and experience tools to build resilience and for self-care.
Boosting Brain Health through Nutrition and Exercise
Lifestyle has a profound impact on your brain health. The Cleveland Clinic has identified 6 pillars of brain health, and this presentation focuses on the nutrition and exercise pillars.
Boosting Brain Health: Sleep and Relaxation
Lifestyle has a profound impact on your brain health. The Cleveland Clinic has identified 6 pillars of brain health, and this presentation focuses on the sleep and relaxation pillar.
Five Ways to Feel More Energized
Would you like to have more energy and productivity without relying on caffeine? Learn natural strategies that will not only give you more energy, but can also help improve your mood and prevent disease.
Enhancing Happiness
Learn 12 evidence-based strategies to increase your joy, productivity, overall well-being.
Balance Work and Home
Clarify values, set priorities, and establish boundaries to live optimally both at work and home.
Resume Control of Our Lives
Could your life be so much better without your bad habits? We will explore ways we give control away through hurts, habits, and hang-ups and what to do to take back control of our lives.
Resilience and Self-Care
Have you or someone you know experienced trauma or other adversities that interfere with leading the best life possible? Learn about resilience and self-care strategies that help with healing.
Exercise and Fitness
Fitting in Fitness
Do you struggle to find the time to stay active with competing life demands? Learn how to add more movement to your day without sacrificing a balanced life. It’s possible. We promise.
Sports Nutrition for High Performance
You don’t truly know your performance potential until you make proper nutrition part of your training plan. Learn how the type and timing of nutritional intake can turn a good athlete into a great one!
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Healthy Strategies for a Healthy Weight
Our registered dietitians will teach you the basics of weight loss and share strategies to keep those unwanted pounds off for good. No gimmicks- just healthy habits that have been proven to work.
Healthy Eating When Time is Tight
If you think it is too expensive to eat healthy or catch yourself grabbing fast food when life gets busy, this class is for you! Learn realistic strategies to eat better on a budget and plan ahead. Our time saving strategies will help you eat right when life gets hectic.
Intuitive Eating
Have you ever finished eating and wondered “who ate my food?”! Do you cycle from depriving yourself to guilt-inducing binges? Learn to pay attention and eat intuitively to improve your relationship with food, eat what your body needs, and enjoy your food like never before!
Rethink Your Drink
What you drink can have a major impact on your health and well-being. Learn why fluid is important, how much you need, and how to choose the best beverage for your body.