Transplant Lecture Series
Henry Ford Transplant hosts a series of monthly educational lectures. Come hear our expert physicians, surgeons and visiting professors speak on groundbreaking transplant topics.
Upcoming Presentations
- April 7, 2025
- May 12, 2025
- June 2, 2025
- July 14, 2025
- August 11, 2025
- September 29, 2025
- October 13, 2025
- November 3, 2025
- December 1, 2025
Past Presentations
- March 2025: Normothermic Perfusion, Redefining Organ Preservation and Transplant Success
Presented by Ahmed Nassar, MD
- February 2025: Eating Right for Life: The Role of Nutrition in Organ Transplant
Presented by Thomas Pietrowsky, MS, RD, CCTD and Nancy J. Park, MS, RDN
- November 2024: APOL-1 Genetic Variance and Living Kidney Donation
Presented by Rohini Prashar, MD, MPH
- November 2024: Transplant Heath Equity in Action: Moving Disparities Research from the
“Bench to the Bedside"
Presented by Dinee Simpson, MD, FACS
- October 2024: Robotics in Transplant Over the Past Two Decades
Presented by Atsushi Yoshida, MD, FACS
- September 2024: Updates in Transplant Pharmacotherapy
Presented by Mary Grace Fitzmaurice, PharmD, BCTXP and Adina Poparad-Stezar, PharmD, BCTXP
- September 2024: How to Overcome Size-Mismatch? The Promised Land for Small Graft in Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Presented by Koji Hashimoto, MD, PhD
- September 2024: Let’s call it Machine Perfusion: A New Era of Liver Transplantation
Presented by Mark J. Hobeika, MD, FACS
- August 2024: Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Modernization Initiative: What is on the Horizon?
Presented by William Chapman, MD, FACS
- July 2024: Current Status of Liver Transplantation for Unresectable Colorectal Liver Metastases
Presented by Roberto Hernandez-Alejandro, MD, FACS, FRCSC
- June 2024: Empowering Surgical Trainees: Innovative Approaches in HPB and Transplant Education
Presented by Chaya Shwaartz, MD
- April 2024: Using Positivity to Build your Best Future
Presented by Lisa MacLean, MD
- March 2024: Historical Landmarks in Solid Organ Transplantation
Presented by Marwan S. Abouljoud, MD, FACS, CPE, MMM
- December 2023: Bariatric Surgery to Improve Metabolic Health and Access to Transplant in Patients with Obesity and Advanced Organ Disease
Presented by Tayyab Diwan, MD
- December 2023: The Power of Happiness
Presented by Lisa MacLean, MD
- October 2023: ACTNOW for Access to Transplant: Worth the Weight (Loss)
Presented by Anesia Reticker, PharmD, BCTXP
- October 2023: Health Equity in Kidney Transplantation: Closing the Gap
Presented by Rohini Prashar, MD
- August 2023: Quality Improvement in Solid Organ Transplantation
Presented by Jonathan D. Williams, MD
- May 2023: Health Psychology and Transplant
Presented by Antú Segal, PsyD, ABPP
- April 2023: Management of Alcohol-related Liver Disease: Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?
Presented by Dr. Jessica Mellinger
- March 2023: Mental Health Perspectives on Alcohol-Related Liver Disease and the Essential Partnership of Hepatology and Psychiatry
Presented by Dr. Gerald Scott Winder
- February 2023: Health Care-Associated Infection in SOT: An Update and Role of Diagnostic Stewardship
Presented by Dr. Geehan Suleyman
- December 2022: Genomic Biomarkers in Heart Transplantation
Presented by Dr. Palak Shah
- December 2022: Intestinal Rehabilitation and Transplantation
Presented by Dr. M. Cristina Segovia
- November 2022: Narrative Medicine, an Introduction
Presented by Dr. Rana Awdish and Dr. Rosemary Weatherston
- November 2022: Pre-Transplant Immunological Evaluations: Current Practices and what Lies Ahead
Presented by Dr. Gabriel Maine
- October 2022: Pediatric Kidney Transplantation, and Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Presented by Amrish Jain MD, FAAP and Najeeb Zoubi, MD
- October 2022: Toward Personalized Care of Liver Transplant Recipients
Presented by Josh Levitsky, MD, MS, FAST, FAASLD
- October 2022: Challenges of Allosensitization and Cross-Matching in Heart Transplantation
Presented by Sean Patrick Pinney, MD, FACC, FAST, FHFSA
- August 2022: Pancreas Transplantation: From Evaluation to Discharge Home
Presented by Jonathan Fridell, MD
- August 2022: Transplant Outcomes: Role of Microbiome
Presented by Maria-Luisa Alegre, MD, PhD
- July 2022: Expanding the Donor Heart Pool using Normothermic Regional Perfusion: What does it take to make it happen?
Presented by Nader Moazami, MD
- June 2022: Ergonomic Injury & Prevention A few Minutes Can Change Everything
Presented by Dr. Sunil Geevarghese
- May 2022: Transplant ATC Presentations
Presented by Dr. Nagai et al
- May 2022: High Reliability in Light of COVID 19
Presented by Edward Pollak, MD, FASA, CPPS
- May 2022: The Story of an Unlikely Personal and Professional Transplant Odyssey
Presented by Robert A. Montgomery, MD, DPhil, FACS
- April 2022: Alcoholic Hepatitis and Liver Transplantation
Presented by Dilip Moonka, MD, FAST, FAASLD
- March 2022: Redefining the Management of Kidney Allograft Rejection
Presented by Minnie Sarwal, MD, PhD, MRCP, FRCP, DCH
- March 2022: Increasing Interpersonal Communication Efficacy: Navigating Challenging Conversations with Colleagues
Presented by David A. Moore, PsyD
- February 2022: Leadership in Transplantation
Presented by Marwan Abouljoud, M.D.
- December 2021: Lung Transplants for COVID-19 Patients: Our Experience & the Evolving Criteria
Presented by Lisa Allenspach, M.D.
- November 2021: Current Status of Heart Transplantation
Presented by Celeste T. Williams, MD, MS, FACC
- September 2021: From Education to Transplantation: Steps Toward an Integrated Care Approach
Presented by Benjamin Hippen, MD, FASN, FAST
- August 2021: An Evidence-Based Approach to Stress, Anxiety and Burnout Prevention During COVID
Presented by Julie Hamilton, ACSW
- August 2021: TI Ethics Grand Rounds: The Ethical Care & Treatment of Prisoners Pre and Post-Organ Transplant
Presented by Elizabeth S. Reed, RN, MHA, Jacqueline A. Roman, MSW, LMSW, and Patti J. Magyar RN, MSN, JD, CPC
- August 2021: Healing with Intention
Presented by Dr. Rana Awdish
- August 2021: Partnering with Patients, Families, and Faith-Leaders: A Holistic Approach to Tackling Transplant Disparities
Presented by Dr. Tanjala Purnell
- July 2021: Disparities in Academia: Looking without Seeing
Presented by Arika L. Hoffman, MD
- May 2021: The Trifecta Model: Implementing the Advancing American Kidney Health Initiative
Presented by Milagros Samaniego-Picota, MD, FACP, FASN, FAST
- April 2021: Helping Health Care Workers Manage Burnout
Presented by Lisa MacLean, MD, Moderated by Marwan S. Abouljoud, MD, FACS, CPE, MMM
- February 2021: Increasing Living Organ Donation and Transplantation in Minorities through a Culturally Targeted Transplant Program
Presented by Juan Carlos Caicedo, MD, FACS
- December 2020: GOLM, the Landscape, the Opportunities: Working Together to Shape the Future
Presented by Dorrie Dils, RN, BSN, MHA, CPTC
- November 2020: Caring for the Caregiver: Report from the Organ Transplant Caregiver Consensus Conference
Presented by Michelle Jesse, PhD
- November 2020: The Fierce Urgency of Now: Learning to be an Ally and Anti-Racist
Presented by Dr. Christopher Sonnenday, MD
- October 2020: COVID-19 and Transplantation
Presented by Dr. Alangaden and Dr. Ramesh
- September 2020: RE: Alcoholic liver disease to include the clinical implications of alcoholic hepatitis on M&M and the potential role of liver transplant in this setting
Presented by Michael Lucey, MD
- July 2020: DCD Liver Transplantation, National Utilization and Indiana Experience
Presented by Chandrashekhar A. Kubal, MD, PhD
- June 2020: Immune Modulation in the Transplant Recipient
Presented by Allan Kirk, MD, PhD, FACS
- May 2020: COVID-19 - Where are we now?
Presented by George Alangaden, MD, Mayur Ramesh, MD, and Milagros Samaniego-Picota, MD
- February 2020: Bias in Transplantation: Discard of ’Usable’ Organs as Evidence for the Need for Better and More Consistent Decision Making
Presented by Richard N. Formica Jr., MD
- December 2019: Pulmonary Hypertension in Solid Organ Transplantation
Presented by Sara Hegab, MD
- November 2019: Approaches to Increase Access to Transplantation for Obese Patients
Presented by Jayme E. Locke, MD, MPH, FACS, FAST
- July 2019: Transforming the Face of Reconstructive Surgery
Presented by Eduardo D. Rodriguez, M.D., DDS
- July 2019: Access to Transplantation
Presented by Lloyd E. Ratner, MD, MPH, FACS
- June 2019: Mechanical Circulatory Support Therapy: Would Darwin Approve?
Presented by Jennifer Cowger, MD, MS
April 2019: Equity in Transplant: Who Counts, Counts
Presented by Raymond Lynch, MD, MS
- January 2019: Uterus Transplantation
Presented by Giuliano Testa, MD, FACS, MB
November 2018: Mindful Strategies in Health Care: How Your Transplant Colleagues Have Integrated Mindful Practices into Daily Practice
Presented by Henry Ford Transplant Team Members
September 2018: Donor Derived Infection in Solid Organ Transplantation: Minimizing Risk and Improving Outcomes
Presented by Dr. George Alangaden
August 2018: Innovation In Structural Heart Management
Presented by Dr. William O'Neill
July 2018: Obesity and Liver Transplantation: A New Epidemic
Presented by Julie Heimbach, MD
June 2018: Simultaneous Liver Kidney Transplantation: Current Status in the Road Ahead
Presented by Mark Aeder, MD
May 2018: Pre-American Transplant Congress Workshop
Presented by Dr. Shunji Nagai.
Workshop Topics: - C4d Staining and Graft Survival in Renal Transplant: Single Center Experience of C4d Staining
- Decreased Long-Term Survival with Antithymocyte Globulin Induction in Elderly Kidney Transplant Recipients
- Impact of MELD-Na Based Liver Allocation on Liver Transplantation Outcomes
- Opioid Use Trends after Liver Transplantation and the Factors Associated with Post-Transplant Opioid Dependence
- The Impact of Portal Vein Thrombosis Grade and Post-Reperfusion Flow Rate in Liver Transplant Outcomes
March 2018: Ways to Build Resilience for Health Care Providers
Presented by Lisa MacLean, MD
December 2017: Expanding the Liver Donor Pool: Advances in Living Donor Transplantation
Presented by Dr. Paul Greig
September 2017: Overcoming Barriers to Maximizing Living Donor and Incompatible Kidney Transplantations
Presented by Adam Bingaman, MD, PhD
August 2017: Nursing Perspectives in Solid Organ Transplant
Presented by Jennifer Milton, RN
June 2017: Understanding Events in Organ Transplants: Lessons from the Molecular Microscope
Presented by Philip F. Halloran, MD, Ph
May 2017: Assertive Empathy
Presented by Melanie Dodd, RN
April 2017: Liver Transplant Immunology
Presented by Timucin Taner, MD PhD
- February 2017: Long Term Mechanical Circulatory Support
Presented by Themistokles Chamogeorgakis, MD, Surgical Director
- October 2016: Patient Safety: Trends and Patterns in Reports to UNOS
Presented by David K. Klassen, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, UNOS
- October 2016: The Evolving Field of Gut Rehabilitation
Presented by Kareem Abu-Elmagd, MD, PhD, FACS
- September 2016: Optimizing Your Living Donor Program
Presented by Dianne LaPointe Rudow, ANP-BC, DNP, CCTC
- July 2016: Updates on Acute Liver Failure
Presented by Dr. Robert J. Fontana
- May 2016: Graft-Versus-Host Disease After Solid Organ Transplantation
Presented by Shatha Farhan, MD
- April 2016: Future Perspectives in Transplantation
Presented by Alan Langnas, DO, FACS, FACOS
- February 2016: The New Ex-Vivo World: Extracorporeal Perfusion of Organs and Composite Tissues
Presented by Paulo Fontes, M.D., FACS
- October 2015: Cases from Dermatology Clinic
Presented by Dr. Kerr and Dr. Pritchet
- May 2015: Viral Load Monitoring of CMV/BKV in Transplantation: An Update
Presented by Mayur Ramesh, MD
- September 2014: Innovation Through Intrapreneurship: From Academic Integration to Incorporation
Presented by Michael Abecassis, MD, MSC, MBA, FACS, FRCS(C), AACS, FACPE
- July 2014: Graft-Versus-Host Disease/Graft-Versus-Leukemia: Recent Advances in Therapy
Presented by Edward Peres, M.D.
- June 2014: Assessment and Accountability: The Challenges for Transplant Professionals
Presented by David A. Axelrod, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.S.
- May 2014: A Tale of Two Viruses: Recurrent Disease After Transplant
Presented by Dilip Moonka, M.D.
- April 2014: Transplant Team Leadership
Presented by Marwan Abouljoud, M.D., FACS, CPE, MMM
- March 2014: Communicating Bad News in the Context of Transplantation
Presented by Anita Patel, M.D. and Anne Eshelman, Ph.D.
- February 2014: Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Optimal Treatment and Transplantation
Presented by Gabriel T. Schnickel, MD
- November 2013: The Recent Evolution of Mechanical Circulatory Support and Its Impact on Cardiac Transplantation
Presented by Dr. Joseph Rogers
- September 2013: Errors During Transplantation: How to Manage the Damage to your Program
Presented by Abhinav Humar, M.D.
- July 2013: Fulminant Hepatic Failure due to Acetaminophen Overdose: Psychological and Ethical Issues
Presented by Dr. Anne Eshelman
- June 2013: Portopulmonary Hypertension: A Curable Disease?
Presented by K. K. Venkat, M.D.
- May 2013: Ethical Problems in Living Donor Kidney Transplantation
Presented by Sana Quddus, M.D.
- March 2013: Continuous Quality Improvement: Lessons Learned from the Kidney Transplant Program
Presented by Dr. Dean Kim
- February 2013: To VAD or to Transplant? That is the Question
Presented by Celeste Williams, M.D. and Hassan Nemeh, M.D.
- November 2012: Clostridium Difficile Infection: Epidemiology, Treatment and Transplantation
Presented by George Alangaden, M.D. and Mayur Ramesh, M.D.
- September 2012: Donor-Derived Disease Transmissions: Epidemiology and Risk Mitigation
Presented by Michael Ison, M.D.
- August 2012: An Analytic View of Systemic Health Care Cost Drivers
Presented by Rob Webb
- July 2012: Improving Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients Program-Specific Reports
Presented by Dr. Ajay Israni
- June 2012: CMS Regulation of Organ Transplant Programs
Presented by Thomas E. Hamilton
- May 2012: Organ Quality and its Implications to Allograft Function in Living Kidney Donation
Presented by Dr. Emilio Poggio